
Red Kilt Studios is a family run game company in Carlsbad, California. Our goal is to make original, quality games that challenge players.

For press inquiries or review codes, please contact us at press@redkiltstudios.com.

For other general information, you may email info@redkiltstudios.com. Please understand that we may not be able to respond to all requests.


Takuto MacDougall

Game Artist

Takuto was raised in a gaming family and began beating his parents at their favorite games at an early age. His natural talent for art and music along with his passion for games drives him to master the techniques to bring his artistic vision to life in the form of video games.

Douglas MacDougall

Game Programmer

Douglas has been an avid gamer since the days of Atari. After many years of professional software engineering and hobby game building, his son challenged him to work together. Douglas melds his skill in software with his interests in history, fantasy, and science fiction.


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